Advanced Grouping
Advanced Data Grouping

In QC-CALC SPC Pro, all deliverables (reports, dashboards, ets) run using customizable data groups. Data groups are simply named lists of part files and filter combinations that can be reused in different ways to produce various reports. 

Choosing Characteristics

In each part file within the group, the desired report characteristics are chosen. Alternately, a characteristic filter can be used to filter across part files dynamically.

Cycling Filters

After choosing characteristics, a series of "cycling" filters is added that will be used to group the data in various ways when the report is run. For instance, a report may be desired that is run by month for the third quarter. In this case, 3 cycling filters for July, August, and September would be added. When the report is run on that group, the data would first filtered for July and calculated, then for August, and finally for September.

Cycling filters can be any filter created and can be mixed, matched, and ordered as desired to make the report. When setting up the report, a global filter can also be added to the cycling filters providing a second level of filtering. For example, using the sample above of months as cycling filters, a global filter of "Machine 5" could be applied. When the report runs, it will first filter the data down to just Machine 5 and then look month over month to get Cpks or other data. Conversely, Machines could be used as cycling filters (for example, Machine 1, 2, and 3). Then "Last month" could be the global filter to just compare the machines for the past month. The options are limitless.

The screen shot below shows an example of a group in the Group Editor screen.