Record Filtering
Record Filtering

Due to the nature of large databases, there are several productivity tools to help filter the data accordingly. The Data View tab is a great way to view data both with and without filters applied. This way, filters can be tested to make sure reports will turn out as expected.

Dynamic Date Filtering & Formatting

In addition to filtering on actual dates, QC-CALC includes a long list of keyword date ranges such as "Last Month", "Last Quarter", etc. Rather than actually typing dates, the keyword automatically gets the correct date range when the report is run. This way, the filter does not have to be changed if running, for instance, a monthly report.

Since the filter name itself does not change, a date formatting option has been provided to override the filter name when displayed on charts and reports. For instance, a report for "last month" may be set up with a filter that shows just the month name (January), or the month name + year (January 2024). The combinations are virtually limitless.

Custom Trace Field Lists

Often part files come from different machines and different departments, but have common fields on which you would like to filter. In one part file there may be a trace field called "Lot Number". In another file, it is called "Lot #". In still another file, it is called "Lot No.". QC-CALC has a feature called custom trace field lists that include multiple spellings of the same trace field. These lists can then be used normally in record filters to capture data from different part files on the same report. For instance, "Lot Number List = 56" would get you any of the spelling variations above where the value was 56.