ERS Record Filtering
Filtering in ERS

Filtering in ERS is similar to QC-CALC, except the source happens to be a SQL database and not a QCC file. Due to the nature of large databases, we have added several productivity tools to help you filter your data accordingly. We have also provided the Data View screen so you can view your data both with and without filters applied. This way, you know your report will be using the data you expect.

Dynamic Date Filtering & Formatting

In addition to filtering on actual dates, ERS includes a long list of keyword date ranges such as "Last Month", "Last Quarter", etc. Rather than actually typing dates, the keyword automatically gets the correct date range when the report is run. This way, you don't have to continue to change the filter if you were, for instance, running a monthly report.

Since the filter name doesn't change, we have also provided a date formatting option to override the filter name on the report. This allows you to set your own title for the column in your report.

For instance, if you have a report for "last month", you may set up a filter that shows just the month name (January), or the month name + year (January 2009). The combinations are virtually limitless.

Custom Factor Lists

Often QCC files come from different machines and different departments, but have common fields on which you would like to filter. In one QCC file you may have a factor called "Lot Number". In another file, it is called "Lot #". In still another file, it is called "Lot No.". ERS allows you to create fields called custom factor lists that include multiple spellings of the same factor. You can then filter on them as you would on normal fields. For instance, "Lot Number List = 56" would get you any of the variations above where the value was 56.