As a refresher, the Administrative Tool allows you to centrally administer settings across multiple copies of QC-CALC in your shop. You do this by creating groups in the Administrative Tool and then choosing defaults and locked settings for each group. Once the group(s) are created, each copy of QC-CALC joins one of your groups and automatically inherits the settings of that group. When you change the settings for the group, all participating copies automatically get the new settings. It's a great way to standardize the settings of your QC-CALC copies without having to walk around to each gage station or CMM.
To make it easier to set up, we have added a new 3-step wizard that will help you through the one-time setup in QC-CALC. If you currently have QC-CALC 3.2 (Real-Time or SPC) or higher and do not see an Administrative Tools menu at the top, you aren't using the Administrative Tools. Just make sure to update to the latest revision of QC-CALC 3.2 so the feature appears.
- Choose a central path where your administrative settings will be stored. This is typically a department or corporate share on your network. Ensure it's a place to which all QC-CALC copies will have access (such as an M:\ drive, etc).
- Choose Tools > Enable Administrative Tools... and the wizard will appear.
- Type or browse to the administrative path you chose in Step 1 and click Next >>.

- You will be asked to type a new Admin password if this is the initial setup. Type the password twice to confirm and click Next >>.
- If an admin folder already exists, you will be presented with a screen that allows you to join a group. Choose the group from the list of groups and click Next >>.
- Click Finish.
- If this is the initial setup, your admin path will be initialized for the Administrative Tool.
- If you joined an existing group, QC-CALC will now display the group name at the top of the window.
- In either case, the Administrative Tools menu will now give you access to all Administrative functionality (provided you have the Admin password).
More Information
If you do not see the Administrative Tools menu or the Tools > Enable Administrative Tools menu, it means you are not running the latest version of QC-CALC 3.2 or higher. If you are running QC-CALC 3.2 or higher, choose Help > Run Update to update your copy to the latest or download the latest from our website. If you have a previous version of QC-CALC, please consider upgrading to the latest version.