GageStation 3.2 System Requirements
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written: 12/12/2011
last modified: 09/16/2024

To run QC-CALC and QC-Gage combined, you must have certain hardware and software installed on your computer. The system requirements include: Pentium 450 Mhz processor minimum, 1 Ghz recommended

  • A hard disk with 50 megabytes of free space

  • A CD-ROM drive

  • A SVGA display

  • 1 Gigabyte of memory minimum

  • A serial card based on a 16550 or compatible UART (for RS232)

  • A mouse and keyboard

  • Windows NT 4.0 SP5, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7


Windows 95, 98, and Millenium Edition are no longer supported.

Applies To

GageStation v.3.2
QC-Gage v.3.2


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