New Home Screen Layout Ability
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written: 06/22/2023
last modified: 06/22/2023

As of QC-Mobile 4.2, the home screen is now completely configurable. Two major improvements were added; the number of widgets expanded from 6 to 12 and the layout is now configurable with widgets able to be dragged and resized as desired.

The layout can be changed by simply dragging the bottom right corner to resize and dragging the top bar of the widget to re-position it. Widgets can now overlap and take different shapes allowing the ultimate in flexibility. During the drag operation, buttons will appear just above the main portion of the screen allowing the layout to be saved or reverted to the default layout.

Home Screen Setup

Rather than the original 6 card layout, the widgets are now shown in list layout with the ability to copy widgets for ease of use. In addition, the layout can be locked to prevent inadvertent dragging from the home screen.

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Applies To

QC-Mobile v.4.20


Display Settings
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