HOW TO: Set/Change the calculation in your Calculated Dimension
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written: 08/16/2006
last modified: 09/16/2024


Once you have added a new Calculated Dimension to your database through File > Modify Database Structure, you will need to assign a calculation. In QC-CALC SPC you will choose the Edit > Nominals and Tolerances menu. When you select your calculated dimension at the left, you can click next to "Calculation" at the right to launch the Calculation Editor. On this screen you can set and/or edit the calculation for your dimension.

In QC-CALC Real-Time you will right-click on the plot of the calculated dimension and choose Plot Properties. Again you will click next to the label "Calculation" to launch the Calculation Editor.

Setting Up the Calculation

  1. In the Point Properties list, click the None value to the right of the Calculation item in the list. The Calculation Editor will appear.
  2. Expand the Dimensions list, then the first dimension in the list and double click on Actual. This will add it to the calculation on the right.
  3. Now type * or click the button for it.
  4. Finally expand the second dimension in the list and double click on Actual.

    Your equation should now say: Length[1].Actual*Width[2].Actual

BE CAREFUL: Make sure there are no extra spaces in your equation or the screen will not recognize the equation and will no allow you to press the OK button.

  1. Click OK.

Using A Function

  1. Click the "+" sign next to Functions this will show you all the functions you can do calculations for.
  1. Select Max, Min, Mean, Range, or Sigma. You are going to need to separate each value with a comma.

    Sigma(1 Dim no[1].Actual,2 Dim no[2].Actual,3 Dim no[3].Actual)

BE CAREFUL: Make sure there are no extra spaces in your equation or the screen will not recognize the equation and will no allow you to press the OK button.

3. Click OK

Finishing Up

  1. Finally, press F6 to turn off edit mode.
  1. Place your mouse anywhere over your calculated dimension, right click and choose Update Calculated Dimensions.


Your calculated dimension is now ready. Whenever you collect data and new points are added to the Length and Width fields, your Area will automatically update with the correct value.

Applies To

QC-CALC Real-Time v.4.1
QC-CALC Real-Time v.4.0
QC-CALC Real-Time v.3.4


Manual/Calculated Dimensions
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