Minitab error when running Excel Job
New setting available now that Minitab no long supports the Johnson Transform.
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written: 09/18/2014
last modified: 04/26/2024


When running an Excel Job using Minitab, the following error appears:


Subcommand JOHN is out of sequence or is not valid with this command. * Remaining subcommands ignored.

Unknown Minitab command: USPE
Unknown Minitab command: PROJ


Previous versions of Minitab used the Johnson Transform and SPC Office Buddy would send that command to Minitab. Starting with version 16, Minitab decided not to use the Johnson Transform anymore. However, Buddy was already sending that command, so this led to the option below being added.


A "Compatibility Mode" was created for using Minitab 16 or higher. To enable this go to Tools > Options > Chart Settings and under Capability Analysis/SixPack area, check the Run in Minitab 16 Compatibility Mode option.


Applies To

SPC Office Buddy v.4.20
SPC Office Buddy v.4.00
SPC Office Buddy v.3.40