Part Summary in Snapshot
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written: 12/10/2020
last modified: 04/08/2024


ERS 3.4 and QC-Mobile 4.0 or ERS 4.1/4.2 and QC-Mobile 4.2


This is an introduction to the Part Summary feature built into the snapshot area. This was built as an alternative to the typical path to data in QC-Mobile (via Data Groups and filters). Instead, just specify a part file in the drop-down list and select Refresh.


  1. If there are image snapshots linked to the part file, they will be loaded in a carousel-style display area.
  2. Summary information such as the number of characteristics, number of records, last measure date, location, and category are displayed.
  3. Three customizable time-based filters are displayed with a bullet chart showing the part counts with average by time period and current period. For instance, if the filter chosen is "Last 3 weeks", the bullet chart will display the average part count per week with a gray gradient ending in a black line and the current part count as a horizontal blue line. These filters are customized in the Settings > Snapshot area on the QC-Mobile website.

    NOTE: Clicking any of the filter names pops a bar chart by time period of the same data.
  4. Three customizable filters that filter by quality. These filters can be any filter in the system and show the overall number of parts measured, the number of parts that were in control, and the number of parts that were in spec. The graphs shown are half-torus graphs.

    NOTE: Clicking any of the filter names pops an Actions popup box with links to see the same part and filter on either the Stat Summary or Live Data screens.


Although customization of filtering is generic in the Settings > Snapshot area (same filters apply to all part files), part file/filter combinations can be set individually through the QR Code Creator in ERS. An image of this screen with customized parameters is below.

Applies To

Enterprise Report Scheduler v.4.20
Enterprise Report Scheduler v.4.10
Enterprise Report Scheduler v.3.40
QC-Mobile v.4.20
QC-Mobile v.4.00