QC-CALC Override Settings (Application Defaults)
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written: 12/17/2022
last modified: 01/07/2025

Additional configuration options are available in QC-CALC Real-Time by going to Tools > Options > Edit Application Defaults... or Administrative Tools > Edit Application Defaults... if you're using Administrative Tools. If you don't have those menu options, press Shift+F8 keys to access the override settings). All of the general (not machine-specific) application default settings are listed below:

Archive_Source_File_Days_To_Keep - number of days of source file backups to keep

AppendQccFilenameToGroupDimLabel - When enabled, QC-CALC will parse characteristic labels to get the part file name for that group of characteristics (0=off, 1=on)

BetaMode - If enabled, a red banner displays the text "beta mode" and the version number above the plot area (0=off, 1=on)

Tolerance Type Options:

CenterTheTolerances - When enabled, off-centered tolerances will be automatically centered. Centering is accomplished by using the original nominals and tolerances to find the USL and LSL, calculating the middle point between those two values, and then changing the nominal to that middle value (0=off, 1=on)

DimIsBiLateralIfPlusTolIsZero - Controls criteria used to determine if a characteristic has bilateral tolerance. If this is set to "1", a characteristic is bilateral only if plus tolerance is 0. (0=off, 1=on)

DimIsSSUOnlyIfMinusTolAndNomIsZero - Controls criteria used to determine if a characteristic is single-sided upper. If this equals "1", a characteristic is only single-sided upper if both the minus tolerance and nominal are 0. (0=off, 1=on)

SingleSidedLowerEffectsPlotColor - Controls whether points outside of the lower spec limit turn the plot background red when the tolerance is set to single-sided lower (0=off, 1=on)

SingleSidedUpperEffectsPlotColor - Controls whether points outside of the upper spec limit turn the plot background red when the tolerance is set to single-sided upper (0=off, 1=on)

Convert_UTF8_To_ANSI - When this option is enabled, it takes any communication file received and runs it through a routine to convert it to an ANSI encoded file. If the file was already ANSI encoded, then it copies the data and saves it again. If the file was UTF-8 encoded it ends up as an ANSI-encoded file (of the same name). (0=off, 1=on)

CopyFeatureLabelToExtraInfoBeforeTruncation - Copies the feature label to the Extra Information field before truncating the label (0=off, 1=on)

Custom_TF_LabelsList - Sends a string of pipe-delimited labels for trace fields the CMM cannot send. Currently, this has been implemented only for the Zeiss ACCTee Pro (Contour) ver 5.16” driver.

Data Collection Delay Settings:

Data_Collection_Delay_In_Seconds - The amount of delay in seconds before collecting data (if the delay switch is enabled)

Data_Collection_Delay_Switch - Controls whether there is a delay before data is collected (0=off, 1=on)

DataCollectionFrequencyInSecs - How often QC-CALC Real-Time checks for new data to collect

DefaultPartsInMultiPiece - The default number of parts that are sent to the Template Designer when printing a multi-piece report

True Position Options:

Disable_UseStandardLabels_AutoApplyTPRelationships -Toggle for use of standard labels to auto-apply true position relationships. Default is “1” (on). When set to “0”, QC-CALC Real-Time will not look for standardized labels to auto-apply TP relationships. These standard labels allows Real-Time to recognize which characteristics make up the relationship. A note on standard labels:

The identifier MUST be a four-digit number, must have the starting and ending underscores, and the "TP" must be capitalized, e.g. TP0001

Label = NormalLabel_TP0001_T_H. After the identifier there is either one or two more characters each with a preceding underscore.





A True Position with a base tolerance


True Position with a total tolerance (bonus included)


Diameter (Hole or ID)


Diameter (Pin or OD)


Plot on x-axis in a circular True Position scatter plot


Plot on y-axis in a circular True Position scatter plot

TrimStandardLabels_WhenAutoApplyTPRelationships - When enabled (set to “1”), standard labels will be trimmed when the TP relationships are auto-applied. When set to “0”, no trimming is done. The default is “1” (on).

UseExtraTPFeatures - Three possible values: (default=1)
0 - Disabled - Do not create a scatterplot for characteristics with .x, .y, or .z in the label.
1 - Enabled - Collect and create a scatterplot for characteristics with .x, .y, or .z in the label.
2 - Collect characteristics, but do not create a scatterplot with them.

DriverTestingMode - When enabled, QC-CALC Real-Time will write the contents of the collected data to a .txt file in GENP format. This will be found in C:\Users\Public\Prolink\QC-CALC 4.0\TestResults.txt. Move the file afterwards or it will be appended to the next time. Useful for testing GENP output from various drivers. (0=off, 1=on. Default is “0”).

EnableDataPath - When enabled, if the database location is being sent from the CMM, ignore that and use the setting Tools > Options > Data Collection > Set Paths > Fixed Database Folder (0=off, 1=on)

Export Web Service Items:

ExportWebServiceContentType - Specifies the Content Type for the export web service communications.  This can only be ‘text/plain’ or ‘application/json’.  Text is the default.

ExportWebServiceDisplayResponse - When this is True, a dialog is displayed with the web service response after exporting to a web service.  This is a troubleshooting tool. 

ExportWebServiceURL - Specifies the URL for a RESTful web service that the export data should also be sent to. This was implemented only for Prolink XML for a major customer. It is undefined by default.

Extract Dim Source and Extra Info Items:

ExtractDimField1Destination - The destination of the value. Currently, there are two supported values here; "ExtraInfo" and "DimSource". Enter one or the other without quotes.

ExtractDimField1Enabled - On/Off switch for ExtractDimField1. (0=off, 1=on)

ExtractDimField1EndChar - The ending character. QC-CALC will search for this character after the start character position and grab the value between the two.

ExtractDimField1KeepLabelIntact - Optional ON/OFF switch. If set to "1", the extracted portion of the label will be retained in the label. If this is set to "0", that portion will be copied to the Characteristic Source/Extra Info fields and removed from the label. NOTE: This option is available in 4.0 only.

ExtractDimField1StartChar - The starting character. QC-CALC will search for this character in the feature label and grab values after it.

ExtractDimField1UseEndCharOnly - Another optional ON/OFF switch for when you don't have a start character. (0=off, 1=on)

ExtractDimField1UseStartCharOnly - Another optional ON/OFF switch if you don't have an end character. (0=off, 1=on)

ExtractDimField2Destination - The destination of the value. Currently, there are two supported values here; "ExtraInfo" and "DimSource". Enter one or the other without quotes.

ExtractDimField2Enabled - On/Off switch for ExtractDimField2. (0=off, 1=on)

ExtractDimField2EndChar - The ending character. QC-CALC will search for this character after the start character position and grab the value between the two.

ExtractDimField2KeepLabelIntact - Optional ON/OFF switch. If set to "1", the extracted portion of the label will be retained in the label. If this is set to "0", that portion will be copied to the Characteristic Source/Extra Info fields and removed from the label. NOTE: This option is available in 4.0 only.

ExtractDimField2StartChar - The starting character. QC-CALC will search for this character in the feature label and grab values after it.

ExtractDimField2UseEndCharOnly - Another optional ON/OFF switch for when you don't have a start character. (0=off, 1=on)

ExtractDimField2UseStartCharOnly - Another optional ON/OFF switch if you don't have an end character. (0=off, 1=on)

Feature Label Delimiter Items:

FeatureCharDelimiter - Delimiter that separates the parts of feature labels (takes a single character like "," or "_")

FeatureCharDelimiterEnabled - Override to enable FeatureCharDelimiter (0=off, 1=on)

File Delimiter Items:

FileDelimiter - The Delimiter used to parse each line of incoming data from the communication file. The individual machine driver QC-CALC Real-Time is set to use typically handles this. (default=comma “,”)

FileDelimiterEnabled - On/Off switch for the FileDelimiter setting above. (0=off, 1=on)

FileNameChop - A pipe-delimited list of characters and keywords to parse the communication file name to get the part file name. Format is: delimiter | keyword1 | keyword2 | Trace Field

Example: _ | FileName1 | FileName2 | SN

The inspection file is named MyPart_12_1234.txt

The example above will look for underscores to determine the pieces of the file name, and this results in a part file named “MyPart12” and a new trace field called SN with the value “1234.”

ForceUniqueLabels - When enabled, QC-CALC Real-Time will ensure all incoming characteristic labels are unique. A number (starting from 1) is appended to the label if the label is not unique. (0=off, 1=on)

HideManualEntryMenus - Controls whether to show manual entry menu items and toolbar button (0=off, 1=on)

IgnoreCauseActionAssignmentForManualDims - When enabled, QC-CALC Real-Time will not prompt the operator to assign causes and actions for manual characteristics (0=off, 1=on)

Maximum Settings:

FilteringMaxNumericFactors - The maximum number of numeric trace fields displayed when creating a record filter (default=30)

FilteringMaxTextFactors - The maximum number of text trace fields displayed when creating a record filter (default=30)

ManualInputMaxRecords - Maximum number of records when using manual input (default=10)

MaxCalculatedDims - The maximum number of calculated characteristics per part file (default=1000)

MaxDimensionsInRawData - Maximum number of characteristics to include in a raw data report

MaxMachineDims - The maximum number of machine characteristics per part file (default=3000)

MaxManualDims - The maximum number of manual characteristics per part file (default=1000)

MaxNumericFactors - The maximum number of numeric trace fields per part file

MaxPlotReportDims - Maximum number of characteristics to print on a plot report (default=300)

MaxRecords - The maximum number of records per part file (default=2,000,000)

MaxTextFactors - The maximum number of text trace fields per part file

PlotsMax - The maximum number of possible plots in a part file (default=1200)

PointsMax - The maximum number of points that can be plotted on a single screen of a plot (default=100)

MinNumDCFilesForPausePrompt - Number of source files to process before prompting the user. If the number of files to be collected exceeds this value, QC-CALC Real-Time will prompt the user before each file is collected. Setting this to a value greater than the number of source files to collect will prevent the prompt.

NumberOfSQLServerConnectionChecksBeforeCreatingTempQCQ - QC-CALC Real-Time will check for a SQL server connection this many times before storing incoming data in a temporary QCQ file

RangeCharts - Controls whether to show the Add/Remove Range Chart options in the View menu (0=off, 1=on)

ShowFilterInTitleBar - Controls whether to show the name of the currently applied filter in the window title bar (0=off, 1=on)

Source File Backup Settings:

SourceFileBackupFollowPathswitchEnabled - Enables or disables this feature (0=off, 1=on)

SourceFileBackupFollowPathswitchAppend - Append a subfolder to the pathswitch to save your file near the QCC but not in the same folder. ".." can be used to go up folders. (example: "..\data" will put your source file in the folder that "data" is inside of)

SourceFileBackupAddToTextFactor - Allows saving of the source file backup name into a text factor. Specify a pipe-delimited string of sources and factors. A QCC file could have multiple data sources from different machines or the same machine. Separate each source with a pipe ( | ) character. Within each source, there are up to 3 fields separated by carats (^).
Field 1 - The number (1-30) of the text factor
Field 2 - Factor label (default: "Source File")
Field 3 - The fully qualified source
Examples: One source: "6^Source^GENL". Multiple sources: "6^Source 1^GENL|7^Source 2^GENP - My Part"

SPC_Monitor_Timer_Interval - How often QC-CALC SPC checks monitored files

SpcPartRateMonitorInd - On/Off switch for SPC Part Rate Monitor

UseCommonSetupFile - Tells QC-CALC Real-Time where to find the setup file for the driver currently set in the Help > Install Wizard menu. Currently, only one driver, XYANA 2000, requires this

UseExtraInfoAsFeatureLabel - When enabled, feature labels will be created from the contents of the Extra Info field

UseMachineQccPathIfSent - If set to "1", use the QCQ file path sent by the machine for data storage location (0=off, 1=on)

XMLStringCleaner_On - When set to “1” (on), QC-CALC Real-Time will use a string cleaning function when processing XML files for data collection. Disabling this (set to “0”) is the workaround for errors when processing very large XML files. If a customer reports out-of-memory-related errors while collecting XML files, set this to “0” to disable it and try collecting the data again. The default value is “1”.

Applies To

QC-CALC Real-Time v.4.1
QC-CALC Real-Time v.4.0
QC-CALC Real-Time v.3.4


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