Prolink Software Knowledge Base

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Knowledge Base Article
 How to Archive Part Files in a SQL Database using EDL 4.2
  Steps to set up EDL to archive your old QC-CALC part data that is stored in a SQL database
 How to Flatten Models in a Part File - QC-CALC 4.1
  How to flatten models in part files stored in QCQ or SQL format
 How to Check Windows Regional Settings for Prolink Applications
  How to troubleshoot text characters not displaying correctly in Prolink Software applications
 QC-CALC Override Settings (Application Defaults)
  Summary of the different QC-CALC Application Default settings (overrides)
 Moving Settings to Another Computer - QC-CALC 4.0
  How to move QC-CALC 4.0 to a new computer
 Moving Settings to Another Computer QC-CALC 3.4
  Steps to move QC-CALC 3.40 to a new computer
 Database Versions between EDL and ERS
  The database versioning process for EDL and ERS
 Reordering Records in the Database
  How to reorder records in a QCC file
 Vista Users Can View Help files (winhlp32 files)
  Using help (.hlp) files on older operating systems
 HOW TO: Use Assignable Causes with multiple copies of QC-CALC Real-Time and a network
  How to move Assignable Cause files to the network
 FAQ: How can I simulate a right mouse click with a touch screen? (ver. 3.0 and higher)
  How to perform a right-click in QC-CALC from a Tablet
 HOW TO: Convert an older version of QC-CALC to 3.0?
  Converting your QCC files from an earlier version to 3.0
 QC-CALC - Converting a 3.0 database back to 2.4 (ver. 3.0)
  Converting or downgrading a 3.0 database to 2.4
Product Article
 Prolink Announces Strategic Marketing Initiative with Metris
 QC-CALC SPC LITE allows remote monitoring for a fraction of the cost!