Prolink Software Knowledge Base

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Knowledge Base Article
 How to Export and Import SPC Office Buddy Jobs
  Steps to import and export Excel Jobs into and out of SPC Office Buddy
 Appending to a Spreadsheet in Office Buddy
  This article gives instructions for appending rows of tags in Excel Jobs.
 Adding GD&T symbols to your Buddy reports
  Using a free font from Verisurf to add GD&T symbols to your reports.
 Why am I limited to 100 Graphs in Minitab?
  How to get more than 100 graphs in an export from SPC Office Buddy to Minitab
 Running Buddy Excel Jobs automatically from QC-CALC
  How to run a SPC Office Buddy job automatically from QC-CALC Real-Time
 Receive Error 429 in the Office Buddy when using Office 2010
   "ActiveX component can't create an object." error when using an Excel Job.
 AS9102 Report in the SPC Office Buddy 3.3
  AS9102 report Excel Job files for Buddy 3.3.
 Reporting DPMO/PPM defective in the SPC Office Buddy
  This articles explains the Estimated and Observed PPM values.
 Cleaning up {skip} and {hop} tags in your Excel worksheets
  This provides a macro to clean up extra {skip} and {hop} tags for Buddy 3.2.
 AS9102 Report in the SPC Office Buddy 3.2
  AS9102 report Excel Job files for Buddy 3.2.
 HOW TO: Adding balloon numbers to your Excel Job in the Buddy
  How to place balloon numbers in your SPC Office Buddy Excel report job
 HOW TO: Making Minitab Equivalent to Prolink Charting
  This article shows the Buddy 3.2 settings that will make stats match Minitab.
 Automatic Tag Replacements in Buddy 3.2+
  This article provides a list of Auto match tag names for Buddy 3.2.
 Automatically Find Tags in your Spreadsheets
  This article explains the Auto Match button in Buddy.
 HOW TO: Setting up SPC Office Buddy
  This article discusses different configurations that QC-CALC and Buddy can use.
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