QC-CALC - Cannot find D:\SETUP.EXE. Windows needs this file to run D:\SETUP.EXE. (ver. 3.0)
This explains an error caused by Windows NT and how to fix it.
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written: 01/30/2006
last modified: 03/22/2024


You receive the following error:

Cannot find D:\SETUP.EXE. Windows needs this file to run D:\SETUP.EXE.


There is a security feature of NT that involves deleting the file C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\NTVDM.EXE.If this file is missing from your system, the above erroneous message is displayed.


The fix is to restore the deleted file. You can restore by simply copying the file from a system with the same Service Pack as the machine you are working on or reinstall the Service Pack.

Applies To

QC-CALC Real-Time v.3.00
QC-CALC SPC v.3.00


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