Using ID fields as feature labels in MeasureMax
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written: 04/13/2008
last modified: 09/16/2024

QC-CALC Real-Time 3.0 or higher and Sheffield MeasureMax.

By default, when creating a Real Time Log file from a Sheffield MeasureMax program, the feature label gets placed in the H2 record of the output log file (see red text in example below). Since this field doesn't allow a decent length for feature name, it is common practice to use ID lines (see blue text below) via the MLString function to output more descriptive feature names.

Example of MeasureMax RTL file:

FR Administrator,04/09/2008,08:54:16,42INBTMMOUNT
SK 1,Loopback
HR 00001,3,0,XY,   &    123456:I
H2 00076,19,_DIST1,0,4,0,0,1,2
DL 0.,2082.23,3.,3.,-2082.23,-2079.23

By default, QC-CALC Real-Time uses the feature labels found in the H2 field, but you can override this behavior so RT looks to the ID fields that are sent and uses those values (in this case "Dim 95 Face") as the feature labels. This article describes the steps necessary to do this.


  1. Open QC-CALC Real-Time.
  2. When it is up, press SHIFT + F8 or go to Tools > Edit Application Defaults.... (This will launch the configuration backdoor.)
  3. Do a search (CTRL+F) on the following: MMaxUseIDRecordAsLabel (You should get one result and the value to the right should be zero.)
  4. Double click the value and it will popup in an editable format. Change the value to 1 and click OK.
  5. Shut down QC-CALC and restart it.

Going forward, QC-CALC will automatically use the ID feature labels rather than the ones in the H2 record in the RTL file.

Applies To

QC-CALC Real-Time v.3.2
QC-CALC Real-Time v.3.0


Data Collection
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