You can never get the data into QC-Gage and you can always get data in HyperTerminal
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written: 02/01/2006
last modified: 09/16/2024


You can never get the data into QC-Gage and you can always get data in HyperTerminal.


Here are some possible causes:

  1. Settings in QC-Gage do not match those in HyperTerminal.
  2. The gage is not sending carriage returns.
  3. Incorrect output mode for the gage.
  4. Bad format due to wrong gage mode.
  5. Damaged gage script.
  6. Incorrect gage definition in spec plan.


Are all the settings in QC-Gage the same as all the settings in HyperTerminal? If not, set QC-Gage to the same baud rate, flow control, etc.

Note: The settings for the gage default can be different from the settings within the spec plan, so check both sets of settings.

If the problem is not alleviated follow these steps in order: If the settings are the same there is a different problem in QC-Gage.

  1. Edit gage definitions
  2. Pick gage out of gage name list
  3. Verify the com port and its properties
  4. Click the advanced button. This will bring you to the gage test screen
  5. Click the com menu and select open com

Now you should be able to send data from the gage. It should appear briefly in the RS232 buffer and then in the data from gage text box.

If data appears in the RS232 buffer and stays there:
The gage is not sending carriage returns and line feeds so you must change the QC-Gage settings. QC-Gage requires carriage returns. If you cannot change the settings in the gage, the gage may be defective and you must get a new one.

If data appears in the data from gage text box.
The problem may be an incorrect output mode for the gage (see connection notes for that gage in the QC-Gage manual), the gage script may have been damaged, or you may not be using the correct gage in your spec plan.

If the gage is in the wrong mode:
It is sending data but not in the format QC-Gage expects. Some gages have only a single mode that QC-Gage supports, other have several modes and you can pick the correct mode in QC-Gage.

Example: the GagePort supports both computer mode and printer mode. You can select either mode from within the GagePort cable but you must choose the same mode in QC-Gage. Make sure you select the right format when you are on the "Connect Gages" screen on the Edit Spec Plan Connections menu of QC-Gage.

The gage script may have been damaged by disk error or by someone editing the script.
You can get a new script from the Prolink Website or from the QC-Gage.ini file on your installation disks. In either case use File > Import Gage Script to load the new script.

You may not be using the correct gage definition in your spec plan.

  1. Go to the Edit menu and pick Edit Spec Plan Connections
  2. Go to the "Connect Gages" screen and make sure the correct gage (with the correct mode, if more than one mode is supported for this gage) is connected.

Applies To

QC-Gage v.3.0
QC-Gage v.2.0


Data Collection
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