QC-Gage Errors by Number
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written: 02/01/2006
last modified: 09/16/2024

3 Return without GoSub

5 Invalid procedure call

6 Overflow

7 Out of memory

Close one or more programs. You may also need to reboot the computer.

9 Subscript out of range

Contact Prolink with the exact circumstances this error occurred under

10 This array is fixed or temporarily locked

11 Division by zero

Contact Prolink with the exact circumstances this error occurred under

13 Type mismatch

14 Out of string space

Contact Prolink with the exact circumstances this error occurred under

16 Expression Too Complex

17 Can't perform requested operation

18 User interrupt occurred

20 Resume without error

28 Out of stack space

35 Sub, Function, or Property not defined

47 Too many DLL application clients

48 Error in loading DLL

The DLL may have been damaged, you may need to reload QC-Gage. There may be another program that uses a different version of the same DLL - uninstall that program and reinstall QC-Gage. Note that some install programs, especially under Windows 95 and NT, cannot be completely uninstalled, you may need to reinstall windows!

49 Bad DLL calling convention

51 Internal error

52 Bad file name or number

Usually happens after some other error, reboot the computer. If the error still occurs, try checking QC-Gage settings for bad Spec Plan names, output files, etc. You may need to reinstall QC-Gage is a critical system file is missing or damaged

53 File not found

Check QC-Gage settings for bad Spec Plan names, output files, etc. You may need to reinstall QC-Gage is a critical system file is missing or damaged

54 Bad file mode

Usually happens after some other error, reboot the computer

55 File already open

Close the program (or the QC-Gage Run Screen) that has the file open. You may need to reboot the computer, this error also occurs when the operating system loses track of a file's status.

57 Device I/O error

Problem reading the disk drive, make sure it is connected and not damaged

58 File already exists

Save using a different name or delete the old one

59 Bad record length

Contact Prolink with the exact circumstances this error occurred under

61 Disk full
Clear some disk space

62 Input past end of file
Usually from a corrupt file, if the error persists you may need to reload QC-Gage

63 Bad record number
Usually from a corrupt file, if the error persists you may need to reload QC-Gage

67 Too many files
Close some programs or set your "Buffers" and "Files" settings in your Config.sys to higher numbers

68 Device unavailable
Usually from a portable or removable drive that is currently disconnected

70 Permission denied
The file is already open, close the program (or the QC-Gage Run Screen) that has the file open. You may need to reboot the computer, this error also occurs when the operating system loses track of a file's status. Insufficient network permissions can also cause this error.

71 Disk not ready
Usually from a portable or removable drive that is currently disconnected

74 Can't rename with different drive
May occur if you run QC-Gage from a network drive, especially if the drive is not mounted (a UNC name instead of a drive letter)

75 Path/File access error
The file may be open, you may not have sufficient network permissions, or you

76 Path not found
You may have deleted a path that QC-Gage needs, or a network drive may not be mounted.

91 Object variable or With block variable not set

92 For loop not initialized

93 Invalid pattern string

94 Invalid use of Null

444 Method not applicable in this context

452 Invalid ordinal

453 Specified DLL function not found

457 Duplicate Key

460 Invalid Clipboard format

461 Specified format doesn't match format of data

480 Can't create AutoRedraw image
Your machine is out of graphical resources - close some windows. You may also need to reboot.

481 Invalid picture
The picture file is an invalid format or has been damaged

482 Printer error

483 Printer driver does not support specified property

484 Problem getting printer information from the system.

485 Invalid picture type
The picture file is an invalid format or has been damaged

520 Can't empty Clipboard

521 Can't open Clipboard

Applies To

QC-Gage v.3.0
QC-Gage v.2.0
QC-Gage v.1.9


Data Collection
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