Make Extra Info the Feature Label in QC-CALC (3.4+)
Directions for replacing the Label with the Extra Info field from QC-Gage.
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written: 10/21/2013
last modified: 09/16/2024


There may be times you would like QC-CALC to ignore the actual Feature/Characteristic Label that QC-Gage sends and instead use the Extra Info (Characteristic Information) field as the final Feature/Characteristic Label. For example, you may have multiple similar features in different inspection groups in QC-Gage and want them to be collected into the same feature in QC-CALC. Since QC-Gage doesn't allow duplicate Feature Labels, you must set them differently, but you can set the Extra Info field the same. After that, tell QC-CALC to use the Extra Info field as the Feature Label.

Steps For QC-CALC 3.4:

  1. In QC-CALC Real-Time, press SHIFT+F8 to enter QC-Config.
  2. Use the Search > Find menu and find "useextra".
  3. This should bring you to the "UseExtraInfoAsFeatureLabel" Key.
  1. Double-click the Value, set it to "1" to enable the option and click OK.
  2. Click OK on the QC-Config screen.
  3. Restart QC-CALC Real-Time for the changes to take effect.

Steps for QC-CALC 4.x:

  1. In QC-CALC Real-Time v.4.x, go to [Administrative] Tools > Edit Application Defaults...
  2. Find "UseExtraInfoAsFeatureLabel" in the Setting Name column. The column is in alpha order.
  3. Double-click in the Setting Value column for that item, set it to 1, and click OK.
  4. Click OK on the Software Defaults Editor screen.
  5. Restart QC-CALC Real-Time for the changes to take effect.

You can also optionally use the "UseExtraInfoAsFeatureLabelStartChar" setting. This setting allows you to specify a set of starting characters for the replacement of the Feature/Characteristic Label. If the Extra Info field doesn't start with the characters specified, it won't replace the Label. If this field is left blank, all feature labels will be replaced with the contents of the extra info field if it is available.

Customers often put an identifier into this field such as *** so that only extra info fields that start with *** are used to replace the Labels. The start characters do not appear in the final Label.

More Information

Please keep in mind that prior to QC-CALC Real-Time v.4.00, feature labels are limited to 32 characters in length. Therefore, even though the extra info field allows a greater length, it will still be truncated to 32 characters if the total length exceeds 32 characters.

Applies To

QC-CALC Real-Time v.4.1
QC-CALC Real-Time v.4.0
QC-CALC Real-Time v.3.4
QC-Gage v.4.1
QC-Gage v.4.0
QC-Gage v.3.4


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