QC-CALC Report Template Converter- 4.x
How to convert QC-CALC 3.40 report templates to be compatible with QC-CALC 4.0
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written: 10/09/2019
last modified: 10/09/2024

With the 4.x version of QC-CALC, the variables and fields within all reports were changed, and if you attempt to run a template from a previous version, an error will appear. This means any customized templates from previous QC-CALC versions will no longer run once you upgrade to the 4.x version. We have provided a program to convert these templates for you, and these directions should be used to update your templates.

Please follow the instructions below to convert your templates to the latest version.

  1. From the Help menu within QC-CALC Real-Time, choose Launch Template Converter.
  2. From the Convert Templates screen that appears, click the browse () button to the right of the Template(s) to convert box.

  1. In the dialog box that appears, select the template(s) you wish to convert and click Open. Note: You can highlight multiple items using the Shift and CTRL keys.

  1. Next, click the browse () button to the right of the Folder for converted templates box and choose the final folder for the converted templates. Note: You must choose a different location to save the converted templates. This program will not overwrite the original templates.

  1. The Overwrite converted file(s) without prompting option is used if you are converting templates and saving them into a folder that already contains templates with those names. If this option is unchecked and a file already exists using the name specified you will be asked if you want to overwrite the file for each file.
  1. Click the Convert button to start the conversion process, and the names of the file being processed will be shown just under the Overwrite… checkbox.

  1. When the process is finished a window will show you which files were processed vs. skipped (if you chose to skip the file rather than overwrite it).
