Prolink Software Knowledge Base

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Knowledge Base Article
 HOW TO: Change the order of Trace Fields in a part file
  Steps to update the order of trace fields in your part file in QC-CALC
 Standardizing Factor/Trace Field Locations - 3.4 and later
  Guide to standardizing your factor/trace field locations across part files in QC-CALC
 Saving information about the data collection station using FactorN.txt
  Using FactorN files to save inspection machine information for traceability
 Standardizing Factor Locations - 3.3 and earlier
  How to set up standardized, default factor labels
 Increasing the number of Factors in an existing file
  How to add new Factors or Trace fields to a part file
 Setting up automatic Factors within QC-CALC Real-Time
  How to set up automatic factors in QC-CALC Real-Time
 HOW TO: Setup factors in QC-Gage - 3.x
  This explains how to add Factors to an existing Spec Plan.
 FAQ: Passing non-measurement data to QC-CALC? (v.3.0 and higher)
  This article explains one method for sending Factor information to QC-CALC Real-Time.
 Setting up a FACTORn.txt file
  This gives step-by-step directions for setting up a Factorn.txt file.
 Persistent Factors solve repeated data entry
  How to setup persistent trace fields in QC-CALC for Micro-Vu Inspec
 Incrementing Persistent Factors Solves Numbering of Multiple Cavity Inspection
  Using incrementing persistent factors to label multiple cavity numbers in QC-CALC
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