Receive Error 429 in the Office Buddy when using Office 2010
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written: 07/20/2011
last modified: 09/16/2024


You try to run an Excel Job in SPC Office Buddy and receive an error message that says, "ActiveX component can't create an object." This 429 error can occur when editing or running an Excel Job in Office Buddy.


This error is typically raised when you do not have MS Office installed on the PC. In the case of Office 2010, it may appear to be installed, but you may have a virtual copy (or click-to-run copy) installed. This means that the actual files for MS Office 2010 reside elsewhere, and Buddy cannot find them.

To confirm that this is the case, perform the following steps:

  1. Select Start > Programs > Microsoft Office.
  2. Right-click on the icon for Microsoft Excel and choose Properties.
  3. On the dialog that appears, if the Target location says "Virtualization Handler" and/or the Target path points to a file called "CVH.exe" you do not have Office installed locally.


If you do not have Office installed, you must install it before Buddy will work correctly. If you are running a virtual copy, you must uninstall and re-install the full version. You can use the link below to start the process.

More Information

Microsoft: Switch to using an MSI-based copy of MS Office

Applies To

SPC Office Buddy v.3.3


Reporting - SPC Office Buddy
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