Importing Data from Excel
This explains general options for getting data from Excel into QC-CALC SPC.
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written: 05/02/2006
last modified: 03/22/2024


How To: Import data from Excel.


  1. Data in Excel must be formatted like QC-CALC SPC's data grid.
  2. Each column represents a dimension.
  3. Each row represents a record.
  4. Order of the columns is not important.

At this point there are two ways to bring the data into QC-CALC:

  1. First, it can simply be copied and pasted into the appropriate columns in QC-CALC SPC.
  2. Second, the data can be saved as either a Comma or Tab delimited file. Then the Tools > Import ASCII menu of QC-CALC SPC can be used to import the data.

Applies To

QC-CALC SPC v.4.10
QC-CALC SPC v.4.00
QC-CALC SPC v.3.40


Importing Data
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