I want to import my data from Excel, but it is sideways
This explains how to change data direction within Excel.
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written: 07/11/2006
last modified: 05/01/2024


I want to import my data from Excel to QC-CALC SPC, but it is not in the right format. Instead of each column representing a dimension and having the values going down, I have each row representing a dimension with the values going across.


We will first change the data format while it is still in Excel to solve this. Then, we will import it to QC-CALC.

In Excel, highlight all the data you want to import and click on the Edit > Copy menu. Then, on a new worksheet click on the Edit > Paste Special... menu. A small form will appear with many options. In the lower right, choose the Transpose checkbox and click OK.

Now that the data is in the correct format, importing it to QC-CALC should not be difficult. Either use the Import Ascii File function or copy and paste the data directly into QC-CALC SPC's data grid.

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Applies To

QC-CALC SPC v.4.10
QC-CALC SPC v.4.00
QC-CALC SPC v.3.40
QC-CALC SPC v.3.30
QC-CALC SPC v.3.20


Importing Data
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