Email Notification for Out of Specification Points - 3.0 to 3.3
Step-by-step instructions for setting up Automatic Reporting and Trend Detection in QC-CALC 3.0-3.3
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written: 01/15/2008
last modified: 02/13/2024

Are you running parts without an operator present and need to have someone notified when a part is Out of Specification? There are two ways to email an operator from QC-CALC Real-Time when a part is Out of Specification; through Automatic Report or through Trend Analysis. The step-by-step directions for setting up both of these methods are discussed here so you can choose the method that works the best for you.

Automatic Reporting

The Automatic Reporting can be setup to email an operator when an Out of Specification point has been received. This setup will only work if the Automatic Reporting is not already being used. If the Automatic Reporting is already being used, then the Trend Analysis method discussed in the next section will have to be used instead.

  1. First verify that the automatic reporting settings are enabled. Choose Report – Automatic Reporting to enable this feature. A checkmark in the front of the menu signifies that it is enabled.
  2. Choose Report – Use Same Settings for All Parts in order to set up this configuration once and have it work for all parts. If you want a different person emailed depending on the part that is running, you should leave this menu unchecked and setup the Reporting Configuration for each part specifically.
  3. Choose Report – Setup Automatic Reporting
  4. Choose to print any report (First Article is quick and might be helpful to the user to identify the bad part).
  5. Set the Frequency of Reporting to Print on Exception with the Outside Tolerance Limits option chosen below.
  6. Click the Advanced button in the lower left corner.
  7. In the Print To… area on the right side of the screen, choose to Print to File along with a File Type (.pdf seems to be widely accepted) and a file name.
  8. Choose the Send in E-Mail option in the Advanced Options area and fill in the E-mail Properties screen that appears.
  9. Using the Use Part Name, Date, and Time option in the Advanced Options area will make the file name sent to the operator reflect the inspection date and time of the part that was bad. This might help identify the bad part.
  10. Click OK to save these settings and the next time an Out of Specification point is received the user will receive an email notification.

Trend Analysis

One of the trend tests is for a Single Point Outside of… – Specification Limits and this will be the test used to trigger an email to a specified email address. If the Trend Analysis is already being used, this will just be another trend checked. The operator will be notified if a regular trend is detected or if a point is Out of Spec. These are the steps to follow to set this up:

  1. From the Tools menu enable both the Trend Detection and Use Same Trend Settings for All Parts menus.
  2. Now choose Tools – Options in order to set the Trend Detection settings to follow.
  3. From the Trend Detection – Instability, Cp, Cpk area choose Single Point outside of – Specification Limits.
  4. Now choose the Trend Detection – Report and Log tab.
  5. In the Reporting area, check the Enable box.
  6. Choose a report template to use (OnePiece.fst will give you a First Article report) in the Template File Name area.
  7. Choose the File option along with a File Type (.pdf seems to be widely accepted) and a file name.
  8. Choose the Send in E-Mail option in the Advanced Options area and fill in the E-mail Properties screen that appears.
  9. Using the Use Part Name, Date, and Time option in the Advanced Options area will make the file name sent to the operator reflect the inspection date and time of the part that was bad. This might help identify the bad part.
  10. Click OK to save these settings and the next time an Out of Specification point is received the user will receive an email notification.


Applies To

QC-CALC Real-Time v.4.1
QC-CALC Real-Time v.4.0
QC-CALC Real-Time v.3.4
QC-CALC Real-Time v.3.3
QC-CALC Real-Time v.3.2
QC-CALC Real-Time v.3.0


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