Prolink Software Knowledge Base

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Knowledge Base Article
 Creating a Report Job to show data collected in the Last 12 Hours
  How to create an ERS report job to see the last 12 hours of collected data
 Changing Sigma and Sigma R to Cp Lower and Cp Upper in Stat Summary - 4.1
  Change Sigma and Sigma R to Cp Lower and Cp Upper in an ERS Statistics Summary report template
 Automatically Launching Live Data in QC-Mobile
  These directions are for QC-Mobile on a shop floor computer to restart automatically after a reboot....
 Short Run: Diff Chart Explanation
  This article explains what the Short Run Diff Chart is and what it represents.
 Reducing the list of files in ERS
  This article shows a way to control the list of files displayed in ERS 3.4.
 Adding Factors to the Raw Data Header area
  Steps for adding the first value of Text or Numeric Factor to the header of a Raw Data Report
 Change Text to Numeric Factor in Raw Data Table
  Step-by-step instructions for changing a Text Factor to a Numeric Factor in a Raw Data Table
 HOW TO: Create a report showing parts measured yesterday
  This article gives instructions to find data that was measured the prior day or some other time peri...
 Creating a slide show with ERS Dashboards WITHOUT a web server
  This shows you how to create a web page that flips between dashboard images without a web server.
 Creating a slideshow with ERS Dashboards
  This article shows you how to create a web page that flips between multiple dashboard images.
 Adding Factor Values to the Raw Data Report Header Area
  Step-by-step instructions for adding Text Factor values to the header area of a Raw Data Report